Are you looking to make some money in the Roll Off Truck industry?? Maybe you are looking to expand your fleet? Should you buy new or used? These questions are very important and we are here to help!
Finding a used roll off truck in PREMIUM condition is becoming difficult these days. The housing market has exploded in the last few years and roll off owners are looking to expand their fleet. Their older used roll off trucks are becoming worn and abused. People are hot loading the cans on and we are seeing a substantial amount of damage from northern used roll off trucks due to the weather conditions and salty roads. These trucks are ready to retire and now owners are looking for new trucks. Well not new but newer than the ones they have had. The new trucks are experiencing too many issues to drop TOP dollar on them. Instead they want to buy a used roll off truck that has been worked on and turned into a PREMIUM product. A product that will work hard for the next few years until technology catches up with the changes being made on the garbage truck industry.
The issues from the new trucks are causing too many customers to experience downtime and loss of profit. This is leading them into getting rid of them quickly and buying a reliable used roll off truck that has given them plenty of hard work in the past. The PREMIUM used roll off truck is by far the best on the market. It stands alone with the way the good old trucks used to run and the way your mechanics know how to work best. These trucks will give you and your business security. With an abundance of parts for these trucks, you wont pay much or wait long to find them. The Used roll off truck market reigns supreme until they can fix the bugs on the newer trucks.
Call and talk to a professional at RDK today and start building your companies future on a the back of a safe and reliable used roll off truck!